Presentation of User Stories and Research

User Persona 1.

The Education Center project began with analysis of who the Kennedy Violin user is. This project included forming user profiles and stories, and addressing how the redesigned Education Center would address their needs. The presentation also included results of a survey of existing Kennedy Violin Social Media followers. You can read the entire presentation here, …

Kennedy Violins Reels

Kennedy Violin Reels on YouTube.

The reels, or shorts,  in the Kennedy Violins Reels  YouTube collection were used on social media  and in ads for lessons, products, and  promotions. 

See a collection of Kennedy Violins Reels on YouTube. One sample reel is embedded below.

Social Media Management for Kennedy Violins

Kennedy Violins Facebook Feed

At Kennedy Violins I maintained multiple social media channels. The goal was to have active channels with content appealing to varied market segments (kids learning an instrument, parents, established players, and pros).  Social channels were connected to our online catalog to allow links to online products in posts, reels, or paid social. The social channels I managed for Kennedy Violins …

Interface Concept for an E-Commerce Product Customizer

Product Customizer Breadboard

This project solved a couple of issues. First, in the old system, each Instrument and size variant also had a variant for case color. This made it difficult to manage inventory and availability. Also, the existing customer interface lacked feedback to the customer on availability when making selections. The revision solved these issues and resulted …

Reels for LUCA Watches

LUCA Watch reels on YouTube

Luca Watch needed promotional reels for  social media. Reels were created to show the variety of styles, and how each style could be customized with the many available watchbands.

See a collection of LUCA reels on YouTube. One sample reel is embedded below.

Home Page Feature Icons

This set of feature icons was used on the Kennedy Violins home page. The set includes grayscale rollovers on desktop screens. The original designs used imagery that did not communicate clearly. For example, the “Free Shipping” originally icon showed a letter zooming around the globe, but the free shipping option was only available in the continental US.

Information Architecture for an Education Center Blog

Education Center Information Architecture.

The Education Center on the Kennedy Violins website did not previously have an intuitive navigation system for users to find the information they needed. Most blog posts were simply not visible on the front end, and were not tagged appropriately for easy online display. To begin the process of revising the site structure, the first step was to plan how …

Two Entry-Level Guitar Videos for Amazon Advertising

Beginning Guitar Video Thumbnail.

These two videos were produced to promote Antonio Giuliani’s line of entry-level guitars through the Kennedy Violins Amazon store. Roles: Image sourcing, product photography, video editing and graphics. The audio was sourced from a video that was previously shot in-house. See more motion and video projects on YouTube.