2024 New Year Initiative

Home Sage Slider

This collection includes home page sliders, social media, and online ads  for use in the 2024 New Year initiative. Variations of these promotional graphics were also used in an email campaign. Photography for the product images was shot and produced in-house.

Violin Demonstration Video

This video was created  for Kennedy Violins to promote the Renee Nicolette model violin. Two cameras were used and sound captured on a zoom mic. Editing of the sound, video, and graphics was done  in Acrobat Premier Pro.

Content for Amazon A-Plus Sections

Section of A-Plus Amazon Content.

Some Amazon vendors have the option to create a custom A+ content sections that appear below the product listing. This gives the seller additional image and layout options. This text and image content was developed for products available in the Kennedy Violin Amazon Store, aligning to the brand voice and Amazon requirements. Copy was developed in conjunction with …

Adobe XD Prototyping

Product customization prototype.

Many UX/UI designers create the initial interface in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. I have been involved in a lot of projects where that is the method for design comps. But Adobe XD, which is similar to Figma,  is a great option for sharing comps with developers. The samples below were created using XD.