Typography and Headline Elements

Here are a few typographic elements developed for use in digital promotions. These were repurposed and reformatted for use in campaigns across web, social and email marketing pieces.
Here are a few typographic elements developed for use in digital promotions. These were repurposed and reformatted for use in campaigns across web, social and email marketing pieces.
This set of feature icons was used on the Kennedy Violins home page. The set includes grayscale rollovers on desktop screens. The original designs used imagery that did not communicate clearly. For example, the “Free Shipping” originally icon showed a letter zooming around the globe, but the free shipping option was only available in the continental US.
This animated short was produced for a using After Effects as part of a Motion Graphics course. The illustrations for the animation were done in Adobe Illustrator and I provided the voice-over. See more motion and video projects on YouTube.
Here is a short animated video showing kinetic text effects made with After Effects. It was a school animation class project. Graphics are from found copyright-free images and Adobe Illustrator vector files. Click the image below to view.
This surface design concept was for women’s product in Sigg’s line of water bottles. The graphic elements were created in Adobe Illustrator.
These icons were created for the navigation of a collections agency website.
The “Hot Tee” employee uniform option was created to support a winter beverage initiative. The All-Fruit Smoothie Tee was used to promote one of the product lines. This work was done as a freelance contractor for Jamba’s production agency.
This poster was used to promote a concert and vocal workshop. The illustration was created in Adobe Illustrator. There was also a coordinating print program that was produced for the event. Role: Design and illustration.
Surface design for Sigg water bottle. This bottle was featured on their catalog cover for that year. I used to have one, but lost it. If you run across one let me know! I would like to replace mine.
These hot sauce labels were created for a local retail consumer packaged goods brand. The food label project included design, illustration, and prepress.