Editorial Content Illustration

This editorial illustration was created for an organization that tracks and reports on political donations.
This editorial illustration was created for an organization that tracks and reports on political donations.
Here are a couple of editorial illustrations depicting politicians and how they view their costituencies by demographics.
Two coordinating custom floral repeating patterns. These were created in Adobe Illustrator and saved as repeat pattern swatches. Role: Illustration and production.
Coordinating custom repeat patterns. These would be appropriate for textiles in a kid’s room. . These were created in illustrator and saved as a repeat pattern swatch.
Here are pages from vendor guides that were use to communicate fulfillment specifications to vendors. Included were instructions on labeling, folding, packaging, and tagging garments prior to shipment.
Apparel pre-production illustration of women’s jackets for Kleider Apparel. I will be adding a gallery of additional styles when I have the time. Role: Apparel Illustration.
Surface designs of water bottles for children’s line of products. These were set up to be produced with solid ink flex printing. Role: Illustration and production.
Surface design comps designed production with flex printing process. These were submissions for Sigg water bottle concepts.
Pre-production illustrations exploring various colorways and pocket treatments, Client: Pendleton Woolen Mills.
This image was first published in The Columbian, Vancouver WA. Im age is currently available as stock art on www.istockphoto.com.