Kennedy Violins Illuminated Sign

Kennedy Violins Storefront Sign.

This LED-illuminated channel letter sign for Kennedy Violins was installed when the company moved to a new building. Vancouver Sign Company did the production. The window vinyl was also newly installed. One of the luthiers at the shop used to work at a sign shop and he installed that himself. Role: Design. Scaled production drawings.

Illuminated Hanging Sign

Hanging Channel Letter Sign

This this sign, created for Jubitz Bar, is illuminated only on the weekends when the overflow cash bar is in place. It is a nested channel unit suspended from the ceiling, with internal LED illumination.

Proposal to refurbish a blade sign

Scaled Drawing Detail

This is a design proposal for a refurbish of an existing blades sign. The sales presentation includes options for using the existing EMC, or replacing it with a newer, higher-resolution unit. Roles: Logo design, scaled drawing for sales presentation and production.