Administration of Amazon Product Listings

DN-5 Guitar Product Listing

Amazon product listings need to be compliant with Amazon’s standards. Merchants who sell through their platform must take care with wording, images, and links to make sure their content remains available. On the Kennedy Violin Amazon store I created copy and images, and edited listings to make sure that the content met Amazon requirement

Amazon Store Posts

Amazon Store Post Image

Brands who have Amazon Stores have the option to craft posts to highlight a product or promotion. Here are a couple of examples. These two posts were created to draw attention to a specific model of guitar and guitar accessories.

Amazon Store for Kennedy Violins

Kennedy Violins Amazon Store Home Page Detail

At Kennedy Violins we developed an Amazon storefront. Work included creating product pages, selecting items to feature on the home page, and giving the customer direct pathways to the products they were most interested in.

Kennedy Violins Black Friday Initiatives

2023 Black Friday Deal Landing Page

This landing page was designed to shows the active deals during Black Friday, 2023. Any paid social was linked to this landing page leading up to the sale, and to individual products during the sale. The page was coded with teasers for the products prior to sale and links to the sale items once the sale had started.

Two Entry-Level Guitar Videos for Amazon Advertising

Beginning Guitar Video Thumbnail.

These two videos were produced to promote Antonio Giuliani’s line of entry-level guitars through the Kennedy Violins Amazon store. Roles: Image sourcing, product photography, video editing and graphics. The audio was sourced from a video that was previously shot in-house. See more motion and video projects on YouTube.

2024 New Year Initiative

Home Sage Slider

This collection includes home page sliders, social media, and online ads  for use in the 2024 New Year initiative. Variations of these promotional graphics were also used in an email campaign. Photography for the product images was shot and produced in-house.

Content for Amazon A-Plus Sections

Section of A-Plus Amazon Content.

Some Amazon vendors have the option to create a custom A+ content sections that appear below the product listing. This gives the seller additional image and layout options. This text and image content was developed for products available in the Kennedy Violin Amazon Store, aligning to the brand voice and Amazon requirements. Copy was developed in conjunction with …