Kennedy Violins Reels

Kennedy Violin Reels on YouTube.

The reels, or shorts,  in the Kennedy Violins Reels  YouTube collection were used on social media  and in ads for lessons, products, and  promotions. 

See a collection of Kennedy Violins Reels on YouTube. One sample reel is embedded below.

Reels for LUCA Watches

LUCA Watch reels on YouTube

Luca Watch needed promotional reels for  social media. Reels were created to show the variety of styles, and how each style could be customized with the many available watchbands.

See a collection of LUCA reels on YouTube. One sample reel is embedded below.

Two Entry-Level Guitar Videos for Amazon Advertising

Beginning Guitar Video Thumbnail.

These two videos were produced to promote Antonio Giuliani’s line of entry-level guitars through the Kennedy Violins Amazon store. Roles: Image sourcing, product photography, video editing and graphics. The audio was sourced from a video that was previously shot in-house. See more motion and video projects on YouTube.

Violin Demonstration Video

This video was created  for Kennedy Violins to promote the Renee Nicolette model violin. Two cameras were used and sound captured on a zoom mic. Editing of the sound, video, and graphics was done  in Acrobat Premier Pro.