Proposal to refurbish a blade sign

Scaled Drawing Detail

This is a design proposal for a refurbish of an existing blades sign. The sales presentation includes options for using the existing EMC, or replacing it with a newer, higher-resolution unit.

Roles: Logo design, scaled drawing for sales presentation and production.

Digital Print Window Vinyl

Digital Print Window Vinyl

This window treatment was produced using a combination of digital print window vinyl and single-color cut vinyl. There is also a door vinyl application and a reface of an existing blade sign. The image above is a pre-production mockup produced for the sales presentation.

Roles: scaled design for presentation and production files. Logo provided by business owner.

Window Vinyl

Here is a sample of a single-color vinyl application for a retail store front. shown are the front door vinyl and lettering that extends across a bank of windows next to the door.

Roles: scaled design for vinyl application and production files. Logo provided by business owner. Photos by Kerry Crow.

Window Vinyl
Window Vinyl

Channel Sign for Retail Location

This storefront channel sign for a retail location was fabricated of two nested units and illuminated internally.

Roles: scaled design for channel letters and production files. Logo provided by business owner. Photos bt Kerry Crow.

Pinterest Page for Vancouver Sign Group

Pinterest Home Featuring Classic Signs

While I was at Vancouver Sign Group part of my work as social media manager was to create a Pinterest page to featuring beautiful sign design. The page included vintage restorations as well as new designs.

Facebook Social Media for VSG

This collection of social posts in the gallery below illustrates work done for Vancouver Sign Group while managing their Facebook social media page. Initially, I needed to regain access to the page. Stories for social media included informational posts about services and materials, employee updates, and posts featuring businesses in the area that we were working with.

Photography Credits:
Field Photography: Account Managers
Shop Photography: Kerry Crow
Gray’s Restaurant Post: The Columbian

Responsive WordPress Site for Sign Company

VSG Website Product Page

This responsive wordpress website was built to showcase the variety of products and services of a company that designs, manufactures and installs large-scale illuminated signs, as well as a wide variety of additional informational and directional sign categories.

Barber Shop Illuminated Sign

Mock-up of illuminated sign to scale on the provided location photo.

The mock-up above showed the proposed sign to scale on the location photo provided. This was used for a proposal presented to a barber shop client. The final version of the shop drawing, which included illuminated channel letters on a raceway,  is in the gallery below. Also included are some alternate designs, not chosen by the client.