Fall Leaves Water Bottle Surface Design
This surface design concept was for women's product in Sigg's line of water bottles. The graphic...
Jamba Tee Shirt Designs
The "Hot Tee" employee uniform option was created to support a winter beverage initiative. The All-Fruit...
Sigg Bottle Design
Surface design for Sigg water bottle. This bottle was featured on their catalog cover for that...
Men’s Sport Coats and Jackets Illustration
These apparel illustrations were done for an a men's apparel startup company in California. Sales include...
Apparel Accessory Illustrations —Bags
These pre-production accessory bag concept illustrations were done for Pendelton Woolen Mills and Kleider apparel. Pre-production...
Footwear Catalog Production
Production of Columbia Sportswear footwear catalog pages as contract designer...
Apparel Catalog Production
Here is a sample spread from a catalog produced while on contract at Columbia Sportswear in...
Custom Knit Designs
Here are some Knit pattern designs for Pendleton Woolen Mills. I was working as a direct...
Gold Floral Patterns
Two coordinating custom floral repeating patterns. These were created in Adobe Illustrator and saved as repeat...
Woodlands Patterns
Coordinating custom repeat patterns. These would be appropriate for textiles in a kid's room. . These...
Photo Recolor
Product recolor for Pendleton website...
Vendor Guides
Here are pages from vendor guides that were use to communicate fulfillment specifications to vendors...
Women’s Jackets
Apparel pre-production illustration of women's jackets for Kleider Apparel. I will be adding a gallery of...
Photography Planning Guides
Product collection photography guides. Client: Pendleton Woolen Mills...
Lab Color Pattern Recolor
Recolor of existing pattern provided by the client. These recolors were done in Adobe Photoshop using...
Children’s Water Bottle Designs
Surface designs of water bottles for children's line of products. These were set up to be...
Surface Design Comps
Surface design comps designed production with flex printing process. These were submissions for Sigg water bottle...
Yoked Retro Men’s Shirt Collection
Pre-production illustrations exploring various colorways and pocket treatments, Client: Pendleton Woolen Mills...
Nike Store Merchandising Guide
Design and production of merchandising guide for Nike store product display...
Nike Merchandising Guide
Production of store merchandising guide...
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